My Projects

Avocado Project
Tools used:

I used my newly obtained knowledge of these languages to create my first page. The page utilizes JavaScript functions to interact with users. It was a great beginner project to get use to VS Code as well.

The website is hosted on Netlify below

Launch project
Latte art page

Weather App
Weather App
Tools used:

This project is a fully-functioning vanilla JavaScript weather app. It draws live data with the use of API, this allows users to search a city and obtain the weather forecast for the location. I learnt how to use Bootstrap for the form layout i.e. the search bar, along with using GitHub and hosting on Netlify, API calls, more advanced HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

The Weather App is open-sourced on GitHub and is hosted on Netlify below

Launch project

Web Portfolio
Tools used:

Building on what I learnt in my previous project, I created my first multiple webpage using Bootstrap and their utility CSS classes, Flexbox to help align, Responsive and SEO. I combined all of these skills to create a fully-responsive portfolio. This website will adjust to multiple different viewports and still look amazing.

The website is open-sourced on GitHub and is hosted on Netlify

Launch project
Portfolio Snapshot